Voids Wrath Servers

Voids Wrath, Crazy Craft 3.0 and Crusader Craft are amongst the popular modpacks offered through the launcher. Many of the modpacks focus on bringing RPG elements to Minecraft. We provide all of the most popular Voids Wrath modpacks as 1-click installs in our control panel or pre-installed when you order. Modpacks Offered. This is my Voids Wrath server please join and have fun. If you like to play with others this is the server for you. Come in and enjoy. Join server now! Voids Wrath Launcher servers instantly online & DDoS protected. Our free DDoS protection ensures that your Voids Wrath Launcher gameserver does not slow down during a DDoS attack. The incoming packets are analyzed and attacker packets are sorted out. This will not strain your Voids Wrath Launcher server, which will continue to run as usual. Voids Wrath 1.0 Server. Voids Wrath 1.0 Server. Help and Support. General Discussions.

    1. Crazy Craft 1.0

      Mod Pack based around all sorts of Crazy!
    2. Crazy Craft 2.0

      Mod Pack based around all sorts of Crazy!
    3. Crusader Craft

      Mod Pack based around Medieval times!
    4. Dream Craft

      Mod Pack based around Star wars and everything to do with the future!
    5. Jurassic Craft

      Mod Pack based around Jurassic Park and everything to do with Dinosaurs!
    6. Poke Pack

      Mod Pack based around Pokemon and adventure
    7. Voids Wrath 1.0

      Mod Pack based around Adventure, Bosses, Dimensions & Dungeons!
    8. WIP Mod Packs

      Mod Packs we are working on and will be releasing soon!
    9. Create Your Own Mod Packs

      Mod Packs that you create and you want to share to the world!
    10. Crazy Craft 3.0

      Mod Pack based around all sorts of Crazy!
    1. Voids Wrath 1.0 Server


      Voids Wrath 1.0 Server

    2. Crusader Craft Server

      Server dedicated to the Crusader Craft Mod Pack
    3. Dream Craft Server

      Server dedicated to the Dream Craft Mod Pack!
    4. Jurassic Craft Server

      Server dedicated to the Jurassic Craft Mod pack!
    5. Crazy Craft 2.0 Server

      Server dedicated to the Crazy Craft 2.0 Mod Pack!
    6. Poke Pack Server

      Server dedicated to the Poke Pack Mod Pack!
    7. Create Your Own Server

      This is where you post your own Mod Pack servers based off the Void Launcher Mod Packs!
    1. Atlantic Craft

      A dedicated forum for all things to do with Atlantic Craft, Kraken Kid, Sneaky Sisters, Professor Pikalus and Cannibal Crab! Post your fan arts or discuss anything to do with the channels here!
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Voids Wrath Servers
XenPorta 2 PRO© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM
Voids wrath server dragons ip address

So recently as a project for my personal server DeemableCraft, I looked into the potential of starting a modded server. Specifically FTB (Feed The Beast) Unleashed. If your thinking about opening a modded server for professional or private use, read this first.

What is a modded server, and why would I want one?

Voids Wrath Server Hosting

A modded server for Minecraft is simply a server that has custom mods (edits to the game) added to vanilla Minecraft. For a modded server both Player and Server must have the same mods installed. Modded servers can have a lot of benefits. For example there are typically hours upon hours of new game play added through modpacks. It can create a completely new experience for you and your friends to enjoy. They also for professional servers, mean an older, typically richer group of players. This is due to the level computer you have to have to run most modpacks.

So sounds great! Whats the catch?

Voids Wrath Server Pack

Well, normally modpacks require much more powerful computers to play on than vanilla Minecraft. So that alone might rule you out. Note, if your computer just cant handle current modpacks, try an older one! So cheap computers aside, for developers modded servers introduce an entirely new set of server side issues. This could be everything from a messed up modpack, to plugin to modpack configuration. Oh, also most server companies charge extra for modpacks. That is if your renting a server.

Ok, so… those are not issues to me. Finally how do my players connect?

Well. For those unfamiliar with modpacks, you need to have a specific group of mods installed on your computer, and that must be the same group that’s on a server. One of the most common ways are ModPack launchers like Feed The Beast. There will be a list of the top modpack launchers down bellow. Those modpack launchers have built in groups of mods. (Modpacks!). So, decide which one you would like to run and tell your players to get that. Normally to install it on the server you need to contact your server host’s support and ask them to load that modpack. If your running it on your own PC then there are downloads on most modpack launchers for the server version.

In short, if you and your playerb ase/friends have good computers, and you have a good server, it can be a nice change of pace for a seasoned minecraftian or a beginner!

Currently popular modpack launchers: (Click on them for a link to their website!

Voids Wrath Server Download


How To Make A Voids Wrath Server


Void Wrath Servers For Jurassic 2

–FTB Launcher

–Void Launcher (Voids Wrath)

–SK’s Launcher

–EvanMC Launcher